V-COO certification service is a service that helps startups grow through various corporate certifications.

We provide corporate certification-related consulting tailored to corporate situations such as performance sharing companies, venture companies, and corporate research institutes/dedicated research and development departments.

Through corporate certification, a company can establish itself as a company with various benefits and capabilities for certification/verification. 

This provides trust to business partners and customers.

V-COO service

V-COO service provides overall advisory and network support for startups based on the know-how of ZeroToOnePartners.

V-COO Service is a service that provides advice and network support for the overall business of a startup, and serves as CAO, CFO, COO, and CSO.

Corporation establishment, management support, certification advisory, policy funding support, IR producing, financial/accounting management, investment, etc.

We support startups in areas that our company needs.

- Establishment of a corporation
- Management support
- Certification Advisory
- Policy funding support
Financial/Accounting Management
- IR producing
- Investment
What are the strengths of our company with V-COO service?

① Corporate support: Diagnoses our company and provides customized support through this.
Financing: We assist in raising funds, attracting investments, and raising funds through professional personnel.  
Easy corporate certification: Helps with quick and easy corporate certification by reducing the time and cost required for startup certification.
④ Risk reduction through network: Costs and risks can be reduced compared to directly hiring professional personnel, and the time burden required for outsourcing in each area can be reduced.
What kind of company needs V-COO service?

① Companies experiencing internal management difficulties
     - A startup that feels like the company is growing but is not being managed overall
② Companies that have experienced changes in cash flow
     - Startups that require management due to changes in cash flow due to sales, investment, and financial activities
③ Companies that need a financing plan
     - A company that needs to proceed systematically by establishing an appropriate financing plan suited to the company's situation.
④ Companies planning to attract investment
     - Companies that need to conduct an investment round by establishing a specific investment attraction strategy